• Controls grubs, mole crickets and listed insect larvae
• Suppresses chinch bugs
• Treats up to 6,400 sq. ft.
CONTAINS: 0.5% Imidacloporid
USE ON: Turfgrass and landscape plants
CONTROLS: Grubs, Billbugs, European
Crane Fly, Annual Bluegrass Weevil and
Mole Crickets. Suppresses chinch bugs if
applied prior to the hatching of the first
instar nymphs.
RATE: 1.4 lbs. – 1.8 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
APPLICATION: Apply prior to egg hatch of
the target pest, followed by sufficient
irrigation or rainfall to move active
ingredient through thatch.
PACKED: 9 lb. bag – #05286, 30 lb. bag – #39130